Friday, 30 January 2015

Our Class Newspaper Project

We have recently been working on a language arts project, studying newspapers and articles, and writing our own newspaper articles.  The class has also been working collaboratively to create their own newspaper pages.  Many of the articles are about our experience at Outdoor School, and other activities in which students were participating during the fall and winter.    

While at Camp Chief Hector, the students were divided into groups for their activities: The Bear Clan, Deer Clan, Raven Clan and Coyote Clan.  As such, each group is working on designing their own page of a newspaper.  Team-building games, the challenge course, forest forensics, the ECOnomy game, the Predator/Prey game, hiking, drama and songs at campfire time were all highlights of our time at Outdoor School.  These themes are highlighted in the student articles being published to these newspaper pages.  The final pages will be showcased at the Sharing Assembly this upcoming week, as well as at Student-Led Conferences the following week.  

All are welcome to join us at the Sharing Assembly:

Grade 5 & 5/6 Sharing Assembly
Thursday, February 5, 2015
10:45 am
C.N.Gunn gymnasium