Monday, 2 March 2015

The last week of February

The last week of February involved quite a few new and different experiences for the Grade 5 and 5/6 classes.  

The classes went to Calgary Olympic Park for downhill skiing and snowboarding lessons.  The weather was beautiful, the instructors were great, and the students learned many new skills.   Thank you to parent council for funding these lessons for us.   

We had two guest speakers visit the classrooms from Inside Education.  The students were invited to volunteer for different activities that were based on electricity and energy.  We learned about natural resources in our environment and the process of converting these resources into the electricity we use in our classroom.  We also learned about the different resources used by each province.    

There was a student vs. staff floor hockey game, to wrap up the floor hockey season.  The extra-curricular teams have been playing games all month, and finally met each other in a play-off season.  The winner of the play-offs played the staff in a lunchtime game.  
It was a great game!   
Way to go to all the floor hockey teams this season!  
And way to go to all those who cheered-on the teams! 

Reminder:  This week our classes are going to visit the Saddledome, to watch the Tim Horton's Brier Curling Championship.  We will be going on Tuesday, March 3.  Since the bus will be leaving the school at 8am, all students attending the field trip must be at school at 7:45 am.  

Our class will be participating in swimming lessons, beginning next week.  If your child has not yet returned their permissions forms and money for the trips, please ensure they do so in the next few days.